Team Athletic Mentors

Athletic Mentors » Team Athletic Mentors

Team Athletic Mentors

Athletic Mentors has launched one of Michigan’s most successful healthy living outreach programs that instills a passion for a healthy lifestyle via endurance sports like cycling.

Made in Michigan Athletes

Athletic Mentors has launched one of Michigan’s most successful healthy living outreach programs by developing, coaching and managing Cycling and Multisport Teams on behalf of major title sponsors and community partners.

We believe that helping to develop skills, perseverance, and a positive attitude allows athletes to grow in his or her sport as well as others areas of life. We are committed to providing transformational coaching and support that is designed to build skill, character, and commitment in an environment that fosters excellence. We believe that supporting athletes with a range of goals and backgrounds can have a major impact on the health and well-being of communities, and we love to share our mission with like-minded companies in Michigan who want to promote athletic excellence and healthy living.

Who are these people? Some are students. Some have families of their own. But all the members of Athletic Mentors share one trait: an absolute passion for a healthy lifestyle. Meet the new Team Athletic Mentors, a group of more than 65 athletes from across Michigan who compete in a number of races including:

  • Cycling (All disciplines)
  • Running
  • Triathlon

Get Your Brand Out Front

Our elite athletes bring integrity, flair and an awareness of healthy living to Michigan to improve your brand recognition and sales. Join the excitement as a Team Athletic Mentors sponsor for high visibility among endurance athletes in Michigan and beyond.

You’ll have something to blog about, to grow social media and build brand loyalty in the community with our high-profile teams and events.

  • Brand/Company Visibility: Over 70 athletes proudly bear our sponsor’s brand on apparel on a daily basis around the state.
  • Character and Integrity:  Our program is known for its quality. Your brand can enjoy the halo effect.
  • Community Outreach: Our athletes make regular appearances at schools, community events, and athletic clinics offered to the general public. Your company will get great community mileage.
  • Youth Development: We develop some of the best athletes in the state, bringing attention to our sponsors and your brand.
  •  Professionalism:  As a result of our success, professionalism, and camaraderie our teams are highly respected in the endurance sports community.

Our Junior Development Program

Team Athletic Mentors Junior Development (TAMJD) is focused on athletes between the grades of 8-12. Our program provides an avenue for junior athletes to receive expert coaching and direction while riding, racing, and training with other like minded athletes who are similarly motivated and share athletic goals.

The team also develops Junior members’ leadership, responsibility, and professionalism. Athletes sign a contract at the beginning of the season and are required to wear a complete team kit whenever riding with or racing for the team. They are called upon to represent their team in a professional manner and to participate in volunteer services in the local community.

Team Athletic Mentors Junior Development encourages growth in young athlete’s personal character and cycling ability, with the goal of providing a greater junior experience to prepare them for college and other life challenges. This outstanding team is taking podiums by storm across the state.

Get Involved with Michigan's Leading Multi-Sport team today!

  • Contact Us

    Athletic Mentors

    8610 North 32nd St - P.O. Box 641 - Richland, MI 49083